Sunday, September 14, 2008


So a little about me. I've tried and failed many, many times at this blog thing. But I'm going to give it another shot on this one. This will just be my ramblings... no big deal. I'll share pics and stories, etc., from my days. Life as a student is always zany and crazy, right? :0) That's what I'm banking on, anyway.
So, it's been an awful weekend. I mean, awful, never-have-I-ever had a weekend as bad as this one since I've been at school. I'm hoping this situation gets better tomorrow, but it looks pretty bleak. Perhaps more details tomorrow.
But right now, I'm really, really inspired by this crazy graffiti artist named Banksy. You can check out the rest of his stuff here.

Right now, I'm really inspired by this photo. Because of the no-good, awfully-bad weekend, I think the saying just really fits. I have it as my computer background for now. Hopefully it'll remind me that there really is always hope as this week goes on.

Until a later time,