Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Glad that one's over!!

So I've been working very intensely on my first homework assignment for painting this past week. Like, literally... I've been in the studio nearly every night since Monday the 2nd trying to get this painting done. It's not due until next Monday, but I have a really, REALLY busy weekend starting tomorrow and no time to finish it, so it had to be done TONIGHT. And.....


Sorry for the weird angle, but you get the point.

I've also started to get back into the crafty mood! My art classes sap a lot of creative energy out of me, and so by the time I get back to my room from finishing projects in the studios, I don't feel like doing anything else.
But I made these Warm Fuzzies over the weekend. :) I leave you with some pics of the ones that I made. They were made for a few of my sisters in SAI. The story of Warm Fuzzies is a story we pass on around the Chapter, and it helps to remind each other that we're thinking about each other by passing on these Warm Fuzzies. It's a sweet and simple reminder that, no matter how awful the day or week, you're never alone. :) If you want to read the story that goes behind them, Google "A Warm Fuzzy Tale."


Unknown said...

omg LOOOOOOOOOOVE that painting! Way to go, girl! The lips are amazing. love everything about it.

Also...those warm fuzzies are BEYOND cute! Why can't i get back into crafty moods so i can make things like that? you are too cute and too cool.
