Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This is me.

Time for a new self-portrait series!

Many people ask me what my life is like as an art major. Am I in class all the time? How much time do I really spend in the studio? What kind of projects do I have/get to do? What do the studios look like? Are the people friendly? And on and on. There just seems to be a huge curiosity as to what an art major's life is like. This week, I'll be shooting pictures of that to give everyone a glimpse. I meant to start this yesterday, but got off to a rocky start. HOWEVER, it is a NEW DAY, and I'm very excited to give you all a peek into my (not-so-fabulous-all-of-the-time) life. :)


Unknown said...

omg I'm actually really excited to see what comes out of this! yayyyy!

love that photo too. I think I'll post it on my blog tonight and link it to you. :]
