Monday, September 15, 2008

Horridly, awfully bored

So, my school has decided that, in order to graduate with a Bachelor's degree, you have to take what are called "Core classes." Most other schools called them Gen Ed classes, so in that respect, my school is not unique.
HOWEVER, my school has decided that you have to take 60-some-odd hours worth of Gen Eds. It is RIDICULOUS. The average student at my school graduates in six years instead of four because there are so many of these stupid classes that we have to take.
And I'm sitting in one now. Sociology 100. And I HAAAAATE it.

So, I figured I should ramble some in here.

As to what happened yesterday...
Starting last Thursday, my dog became very, very sick. My parents took her to the animal hospital where she spent the night. That next morning, she was doing remarkably better, so they sent her home that day with some meds. However, that night, I guess she was just crying and crying and crying in pain. You couldn't even pet her or she would whine, and she didn't sleep more than 2 hours that night because she just couldn't get comfortable. My parents took her back to the hospital the next day, where the vet proceeded to tell us that the prognosis was not good at all. They basically told my parents that they needed to decide whether or not to put her down by Monday morning. They came and visited me Saturday night, and we talked together about what to do since she's my dog.
Well, I guess she's doing much, much better again this morning. However, that's exactly what happened last time, so they decided to run a few more tests.
As of right now, we're just in a holding pattern until they figure out what's going on. I'm on pins and needles, but at least I'm not crying hysterically like I was this past Saturday. My poor boyfriend didn't even know what to do with me because I just kept crying and crying.
So, we'll see. I haven't gotten a bad phone call yet this afternoon.

As far inspiration, I've been crazy-inspired by this guy for a while, too.
You can check out the rest of his stuff here.

Peace out!


Elaine said...

JESSICA!!!!! MY LOVE! I'm totally the best detective EVER! I was like "I recognize that photo..." haha

I'm so so so sorry about your dog. I remember when they had to put my dog asleep. It was one of the worst days ever so i feel for you, darling.

as for your blog, i think its fantastic and I'm excited to read more! Did you notice i have your flickr page bookmarked on my side margin???

Loves! :]